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New Traffic Law

With the help of several Spanish speakers, we have translated the original document for your convenience and not with the intention of interpreting or enforcing the law. We have also added our own comments in order to make the legal information easier to understand....

Victory in Panama Traffic Court

Great article describing my client/friend Don Winner’s successful audience at the Panama Transito court hearing. He had dashcam video to support his evidence and won the case. Congratulations, Don! Be...

Guide to New Panama Transito Law!

Has this happened to you? Standing in the middle of the road under the hot sun or pouring rain, horns beeping, traffic backing up…….all because you had a collision on the streets of Panama! Here are the basic procedures to follow after an automobile...

Car towed away by Panama A.T.T.T.?

By Carmen Dunkley The mall is full, no spaces available and you decide to park in front of a “No Parking” sign where the sidewalk is painted yellow. Two hours later, you walk out the mall and your vehicle is gone? You should consider the possibility your car has been...

Car Accident in Marbella

The following is the very detailed description of a car accident experienced by one of my clients, from “crash to courthouse”. This is a complete account of what you may expect to encounter if you have a minor fender bender on our streets: My car accident...
Panama Kevin