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Auto Accident in Panama?

Standing in the middle of the road under the blazing sun or in pouring rain, horns beeping, traffic backing up…….all because you have just had a collision on the streets of Panama! BE PREPARED! Here the basic procedures to follow after an automobile...

Panama Auto Insurance

In Panama Auto policies, the “Liability” or “Responsabilidad Civil” portion protects you for damage that your car does to others…damage for which you are legally liable. This coverage pays for bodily injury that you may cause to other persons,...

How much $$$ is my Car Worth?

Although most vehicles sold in Panama do NOT have US specs, you must still consider the import duties when assigning an agreed value to your automobile. Visit these sites to get an idea of the current value of your vehicle. I use 33102 (Miami) as a Zip Code. To obtain...
Panama Kevin