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Panama Social Security?

As a Panamanian citizen, I am entitled to Panama Social Security and have paid into this program for many years. I was always under the impression that this coverage was not available to pensionados and members of the Expat community. Although he has moved back to...

Coming to Panama? Stay Healthy!

Traveling Abroad? Plan Ahead to Stay Healthy SUNDAY, Oct. 29 (HealthDay News) — Whether you’re jetting to New Delhi on business, setting sail on the Mediterranean, or roughing it as a volunteer in Guatemala, you’ve got to be prepared for your medical...

Begin 2007 with this site!

A site that could help with a new you for 2007 by Ian Hughes 2 January 2007 – So the fog of New Year’s Eve is probably lifting a little easier today and all those good intentions and bold words are coming back to haunt. If you’ve said you’re going to take better...

Panama and Medicare!

My friend and client Coley Hudgins has written a great article about the trend towards medical treatment outside the USA:
Panama Kevin