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Expats don’t look back!

Eight out of ten people think that moving abroad was the best decision they ever made. The findings come following a survey of BUPA International members from around the world on their views on being an expatriate. Paula Covey, head of marketing for BUPA...

Panama has it all—

There is much more to Panama than its famous and important Canal. This international crossroad is a great place to live.

About Ducruet!

This article is by David Young from La Estrella Online newspaper, 18 December, 2007. My staff, clients and I have moved to L.R. Ducruet y Hijos, effective August 1, 2007. A company – where honor and service walk hand in hand Breakfast in a private room at a five...

Panama Insurance on COOL FM!

My good friend Gerry “D” has asked me to do a series of shows from his COOL FM studio. We will discuss different types of insurance available here in Panama. Click on the link below if you wish to hear our first effort:...
Panama Kevin