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What is a deductible?
Although your Panama insurance policy is in Spanish, a "deducible" is the amount of money which the insured party must pay before the insurance company's own coverage plan begins. It is practical for insurance companies to include a deductible in their policies to avoid paying out benefits on relatively small claims. A typical Panama auto insurance policy, for example, may carry a $500 deductible for "colision". If the owner of that car accidentally hits another car while parking and both drivers agree the damage is minimal, he or she would pay the $500 repair bill out of his or her own pocket. Insurance companies would not encourage a claim for such minor damages.
Gary Scott endorses BUPA/Kevin!
Change is taking place at an increasing pace. Spotting trends can help us live and invest better. One big change is that many people are changing residences. More and more people choose to live in countries other than where they were born and have lived.
Panama Cousular Information Sheet on Panama
MEDICAL FACILITIES AND HEALTH INFORMATION: Although Panama City has some very good hospitals and clinics; medical facilities outside of the capital are limited. When making a decision regarding health insurance, Americans should consider that many foreign doctors and hospitals require payment in cash prior to providing service and that a medical evacuation to the U.S. may cost well in excess of $50,000.
Driving in Central America?
The drive through Mexico and Central America is a wonderful experience, however, it's not an adventure for everyone. The following pages contain advice and detailed accounts of experiences while driving through Mexico and Central America. Check out this siet:
Check your Drivers License!
In the Republic of Panama, your Automobile Insurance Coverage is only valid if you are driving with a current/valid drivers license. Please check the expiration date of your license. If you have been in Panama for more than 90 days, your foreign drivers license may not be considered as valid. You must obtain a Panama drivers license if you intend to live here or extend your visit beyond 90 days!
Purchasing a SAFE in Panama!
There are simple residential safes that are made with solid iron with electronic or mechanical locks. They offer a low level of security for intruders, but a high level of security for house-based employees; these are not fire resistant whatsoever. These are not easy to open in a non-violent manner and are resistant to simple manual tools such as hammers and chisels depending on the quality of the safe.
I Plunge!
One of my ALLTIME favorite quotes: Are there not... Two points in the adventure of the diver: One -- when a beggar, he prepares to plunge? Two -- when a prince, he rises with his pearl? I plunge! -- Robert Browning
Kevin Makes the New York Times!
By BOB TEDESCHI: MIGRATORY retirees have lent more than a touch of gray to Florida, Arizona and Southern California. Next stop on the aging boomer bandwagon: Panama. Panama Today With low housing and living costs, a stable political environment, relatively safe streets and that tropical climate, people in their 50's and early 60's are flocking to the Central American nation, rather than working for a few more years to scrape together enough money for a condo on the Florida coast.
No-Fault in Panama?
In some states in the USA, Uninsured Motorist property-damage coverage is available. Uninsured Motorist (no-fault) auto coverage would pay for medical bills and pain and suffering if you are hit by an uninsured driver. If your car is crunched by an uninsured driver and you have UM property-damage coverage, you'll be able to get your car fixed under this coverage, rather than using your collision coverage. Generally speaking, UM property-damage coverage carries a lower deductible than collision coverage...

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