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Driving in Central America?

The drive through Mexico and Central America is a wonderful experience, however, it’s not an adventure for everyone. The following pages contain advice and detailed accounts of experiences while driving through Mexico and Central America. Check out this siet:...

Purchasing a SAFE in Panama!

Contributed by: Brett Mikkelson Inicio Upon purchasing a safe, there are several general things that you should account for to ensure you are buying the right one for your needs. 1. Security is obviously the first and foremost point that you need to take into...

I Plunge!

One of my ALLTIME favorite quotes: Are there not… Two points in the adventure of the diver: One — when a beggar, he prepares to plunge? Two — when a prince, he rises with his pearl? I plunge! — Robert...

Kevin Makes the New York Times!

What a Guy! By BOB TEDESCHI: MIGRATORY retirees have lent more than a touch of gray to Florida, Arizona and Southern California. Next stop on the aging boomer bandwagon: Panama. Panama Today With low housing and living costs, a stable political environment, relatively...
Panama Kevin